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A note about ebay prices

If you are shopping for a Unitor8 or AMT8 on ebay you really ought to be informed about which one is better.

The Unitor8 is the one with more features!

There is no reason to pay more for an AMT8 than you would for a Unitor8. The fact that people are paying $199 or more for an AMT8 when a Unitor can be purchased at the same time with a buy-it-now price of $150 is rediculous! The only features that an AMT8 has are IO patching and control of the LED brightness. The Unitor8 has all the syncing features for syncing to tapes or video, and a foot switch input that can be configured to do all kinds of cool stuff.

I know that prices are just what the market supports, but think in this case it's just ignorance and confusion about what each products features really are.